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Morristown Melamed Inspired by the Rebbe to Donate Kidney

Newsה׳ תמוז ה׳תשפ״ד - July 11, 2024

On Gimmul Tammuz, Morristown melamed Rabbi Yossi Zeidman donated his kidney to save the life of a stranger in need. His inspiration: the Rebbe’s call for mesiras nefesh to help another Yid.

By reporter

Rabbi Yossi Zeidman, a rebbi in Morristown, NJ, went into surgery on Gimmel Tammuz to donate his kidney to a stranger in need. The donation was organized by Renewal, a Jewish organization that made the connection between the receiver and the donor.

“Today’s donor is a 36-year-old father of 7 who grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina,” Renewal wrote about Zeidman to their large following. “As he became affiliated with Chabad and an important part of his life has become spreading spirituality and kindness to others.”

When Zeidman got the email that he matched a donor request, he followed up with a series of tests to assure his compatibility, and upon completion was scheduled to go for surgery. On Gimmel Tammuz, he was wheeled into the operating room, in a huge display of Hashgacha Pratis. In a video he filmed from his hospital bed, he shared his feelings with the thousands of Jews who get Renewal’s messages.

“It is just another form of impacting the world, helping our long galus come to an end by bringing Moshiach closer,” Rabbi Zeidman said. “Today, the 3rd day of Tammuz is the 30th yartzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. On this auspicious day, 30 years later, the mission continues as the Rebbe’s impact is still felt and growing exponentially throughout the world by inspiring people to continue in his ways.”


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